Dr. Renaud Noharet
Associate Professor University of Lyon I
Hospital Practitioner CSERD de Lyon
Lyon, France
Digital Implantology: Workflow for full Arch for full Arch
Implantology is certainly an age-old technique in its essence, but its form has signi!cantly
evolved with the rise of digital technologies.
Indeed, in the treatment of complete edentulism or the future edentulous patient, once the
treatment plan has been decided, the goal is to achieve a 'perfect' execution of this implantprosthetic
plan. To ensure optimal prosthetic, biological, and ultimately aesthetic outcomes,
dynamic navigation surgery appears to be a valuable tool to assist us during the procedure.
Dynamic guided surgery (or navigation) will be particularly emphasized in this presentation,
especially for the placement of implants during the surgery. Continuing from this, immediate
loading protocols will also be explained, highlighting their simplicity in execution with
navigation tools, as well as the bene!ts for both the patient and the practitioner in terms of